The Ultimate Guide to Crushing Your Ad Performance with A/B Testing


A/B testing in advertising is like fine-tuning a recipe—by adjusting one ingredient at a time, you discover the perfect combination. This approach helps marketers eliminate guesswork, refine campaigns, and achieve better results. As A/B testing becomes increasingly vital, it’s now a key ingredient in any successful marketing strategy. In this blog, we'll uncover the secrets to mastering your campaigns with effective ad A/B testing.

What is ad A/B testing?

Ad A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a method where two versions of an ad (Version A and Version B) are tested against each other to determine which one performs better. This technique is essential for conversion testing, allowing marketers to make data-driven decisions rather than relying on guesswork.

Whether you're running Google ad A/B testing or Facebook ad A/B testing, the core principle remains the same: split your audience, present each segment with a different version of your ad, and analyze the results to identify the most effective elements.

Why is A/B testing crucial?

Ad performance optimization relies heavily on data-driven decisions. Without A/B testing, you're left making educated guesses about what works best for your audience. By systematically testing different elements of your ads, you can eliminate the guesswork and base your strategies on solid data.

By optimizing your ads through A/B testing, you can also improve your return on investment (ROI). This is particularly important when running paid campaigns on platforms like Google and Facebook, where even minor improvements in ad performance optimization can lead to substantial cost savings.

How to conduct effective A/B tests?

Step 1: Define your objective

Before you start testing, it’s crucial to determine what you want to achieve. Are you aiming to increase your click-through rate (CTR), improve conversion rates, or lower your cost-per-acquisition (CPA)? Clearly defining your objective will help you design more effective tests and measure success accurately.

Step 2: Choose the variable to test

While you can test multiple variables over time, it’s important to focus on one at a time to accurately measure its impact. Common variables to test include:

  • Ad copy: Experiment with different headlines, calls-to-action (CTAs), or value propositions. You can boost your Google Ads click-through rates by using targeted keywords and emotional triggers in your headlines with Bestever’s Google Ads Headline Generator

  • Visuals: Test different images, colors, or video content to see which resonates more with your audience.

  • Targeting: Try different audience segments or demographics to identify the most responsive groups.

  • Placement: Analyze how your ads perform across different platforms or placements, such as Google Ads versus Facebook Ads.

Step 3: Create your test ads

Once you've chosen your variable, create two versions of your ad—version A (the control) and version B (the variant). Ensure that all other elements of the ad remain constant so that any difference in performance can be attributed to the variable you're testing.

Step 4: Run your A/B test

To conduct the test, split your audience evenly between the two ads. If you're using Google display ads, their native split testing feature within Google Experiments is an excellent tool to automate this process. For Facebook Ads, the A/B testing feature allows you to test multiple ad sets against each other.

Step 5: Analyze the results

After running the test for a sufficient period (typically 1-4 weeks), analyze the results based on your predefined objective. Metrics to consider include CTR, conversion rate, and return on ad spend (ROAS). The ad that performs better should inform your future campaigns.

Google Ads A/B testing

Google Ads offers a native split testing feature called Experiments that makes A/B testing straightforward and effective. Here's how to set it up:

  1. Go to the Experiments section in your Google Ads account, usually found under the Campaigns tab.

  2. Click the "+" button to create a new experiment. Google will prompt you to choose what you want to test, such as optimizing test ads or running a video experiment.

  3. Select the campaign you want to test and choose the ad group containing the ads you want to compare.

  4. Google recommends a 50% split between the original ad and the variation to ensure statistical significance. You can adjust the split percentage as needed.

  5. Run the experiment for at least two weeks to gather enough data. Google will automatically end the experiment when one ad has a 95% probability of outperforming the other.

  6. Once the experiment is complete, you can apply the winning ad variation to the original campaign directly from the Experiments tab.

Facebook Ads A/B testing

Facebook Ads also offers a built-in A/B testing feature to compare ad sets against each other. Here's how to set it up:

  1. Create your ad sets with the variations you want to test, such as different audiences, placements, or creatives.

  2. In the ad set creation process, toggle on the "A/B Test" option and select the variable you want to test, such as audience or placement.

  3. Facebook will automatically split your budget evenly between the ad sets during the test.

  4. Run the experiment for at least 4 days to gather enough data. Facebook will automatically end the test when one ad set has a clear winner.

  5. Once the test is complete, Facebook will show you the winning ad set and the percentage improvement over the other variations.

How to create your test ads without a design team

Unlock a game-changing hack that will instantly elevate your ad visuals—no designer needed. Bestever’s AI ad assistant lets you make professional-grade tweaks with just a few clicks to A/B test your ad copies, visuals, headlines, primary text, CTAs, and more. 

Step 1: Sign up on Bestever

Kickstart your ad transformation by signing up on Bestever. After joining, go to the Home page and click "New Campaign." Enter your website URL, hit "Continue," and let Bestever do the rest. Like a seasoned detective, it quickly identifies your brand’s voice and assets. In a single click, you’re equipped to generate creatives that perfectly echo your brand’s identity.

Step 2: Open the Campaign and Creative

Updating your creative is as effortless as flipping a switch. Open the campaign and creative you want to refine. Whether you’re giving old content a facelift or launching something new, the process is swift and efficient.

Step 3: Click on Any Element

Just click on any element—text, image, or logo. Bestever’s design is as responsive as a finely tuned sports car, letting you make instant adjustments without breaking a sweat and allowing you to craft messages that hit home with your audience.

Step 4: Ready the creatives for A/B testing

With Bestever’s right-side panel, you control every aspect of your creative’s design. Adjust fonts, colors, and more, tailoring each detail to reflect your brand’s unique style. Generate two versions of the same ad to jumpstart the A/B testing process, saving hours of tedious adjustments. 

Say goodbye to manual edits and hello to a seamless creative process by signing up on Bestever today

5 Best practices for A/B testing

1. Start with a hypothesis

Before you begin, formulate a hypothesis based on your existing data. For example, you might hypothesize that a shorter CTA will increase your CTR. This will guide your testing process and help you stay focused on your objectives.

2. Test one variable at a time

Testing multiple variables simultaneously can lead to ambiguous results, making it difficult to pinpoint what caused the change in performance. Focus on one variable at a time to ensure clarity in your findings.

3. Allow enough time for accurate results

A common mistake is ending the test too early. Give your A/B test enough time to gather sufficient data, ensuring the results are statistically significant.

According to latest data, if you have a high-traffic campaign, you might be able to gather significant data in a shorter period, potentially within 3-7 days. For campaigns with lower traffic, extending the test to two weeks or more may be necessary to achieve statistical significance. The key is to ensure that both the control and test versions of your ad receive enough impressions and conversions for the results to be meaningful.

It's important not to end the test too early, as doing so can lead to unreliable conclusions and might prevent you from identifying the most effective ad version. 

4. Use segmentation for deeper insights

Segment your audience to see how different demographics respond to your ads. This can provide valuable insights into which segments are most receptive to specific messaging or visuals. Read our blog on key targeting and segmentation options in Google and Facebook ads to maximise your ad campaign ROI. 

5. Continually iterate and test

A/B testing should be an ongoing process. As you gather more data, continue testing new variables to refine your campaigns further.


"A/B testing is not just a tool—it's a mindset. By continually testing and optimizing, you stay ahead of the curve and ensure your ad dollars are spent wisely."— Apoorva Govind, Founder of Bestever

Bestever is the ultimate solution for creating high-performing test ads that drive results. With its intuitive interface and AI-powered features, crafting engaging ads has never been easier. Experience the power of Bestever and take your ad A/B testing to new heights.